R3B analysis software
No Matches
NeuLAND Online Analysis

The NeuLAND online analysis focuses on data visualization of different levels of NeuLAND data converted from the list mode data with existing calibration parameters. The analysis can be done either during the beam time, when the raw data comes from a socket (pipe) or after the beam time, when the raw data is stored in list mode files (file stream). The NeuLAND calibration parameters can be calculated from the cosmic data using multiple calibration algorithms. Both NeuLAND and LOS calibration parameters are required in this analysis and must be put in a single root file using a program called neuland_par_merger. The output of the analysis are histograms of different NeuLAND data levels and can be checked concurrently through a web browser in the local machine.

Running online analysis

Before running the program, please make sure R3BRoot is compiled successfully and the config.sh is correctly sourced in the R3BRoot build folder:

${R3BRoot}/build.py -a
source ${R3BRoot}/build/config.sh

The online analysis program is called neuland_online_monitor and its flags can be checked with the command:

neuland_online_monitor -h

Here is the output:

Online monitor for neuland data:
-i [ --inStream ] arg set the input data stream
--par arg set the path of the parameter file (only one allowed)
-h [ --help ] help message [ = false]
--no-trig NeuLAND trigger times are disabled [ = false]
-v [ --logLevel ] arg set log level of fairlog [ = "info"]
-n [ --eventNum ] arg set the event number [ = 1000]
-r [ --runID ] arg set the input runID [ = 999]
--dp arg set the number of double planes for neuland [ = 13]
--wrID arg set the white rabbit id [ = "0x1000U"]
--unpack arg set the path of unpacker executable relative to
${UCESB_DIR}/../unexps/ [ = "202205_s509/202205_s509"]
-p [ --port ] arg set the port number of the output https server [ =

Additional info about the flags above:

  • -n: If the value is less than or equal to 0, the program will run through all events available.
  • -i: Use regex to specify multiple input lmd files.
  • -p: The port number must not be preoccupied.

If more functionalities are required, please edit the source file neuland_online_monitor.cxx accordingly and create a pull request for the new features, or directly contact developers in NeuLAND WG.

Example 1: Using a file stream

neuland_online_monitor --par "/lustre/r3b/ywang/test/test_online/test.root" -i "/lustre/r3b/202205_s509/lmd/main0159.*.lmd" -v info -r 159 -n 0 -p 10000

If the program is run in the local machine, to check the histograms from the program, simply open a web browser and visit the link http://localhost:10000.

If the program is run in a server (e.g. lxir136), before visiting the link, a ssh tunnel has to be created with:

ssh -L 10000:localhost:10000 user_name@lxir136 -N
The first number in 10000:localhost:10000 must be the same as the number in the link used in browser. The second number must be the same as the port number used by neuland_online_monitor. Sometimes this port number could be already occupied and the user must choose a different value (see this page to know which values should be chosen).

Example 2: Using a socket

to be tested

Parameter merge

To merge parameters of different detectors and put them into a single file, one example can be shown below:

neuland_par_merger --par-in="neuland_par.root;loscalpar_v1.root" --par-out="test2.root"

The meaning of flags can also be seen with the command:

neuland_par_merger -h

Here is the output:

Parameter merge:
-h [ --help ] help message [ = false]
-v [ --logLevel ] arg set log level of fairlog [ = "info"]
--par-out arg set the path of the parameter file to merge into (only
one allowed)
--par-in arg set the path of the parameter files to merge from
(semicolon seperated)

--par-in flag specifies all file names of input parameters, separated by semicolons. Many important information, such as run ID and version numbers are only determined by the first file name.

How to create new histograms (for developers)

The NeuLAND online analysis outputs histograms grouped by different canvases. The related FairTask is the class named R3BNeulandOnlineSpetra2. The usage of this class can be seen in the source code neuland_online_monitor.cxx:

auto online_spectra = std::make_unique<R3B::Neuland::OnlineSpectra>();
online_spectra->AddCanvas<R3B::Neuland::CalCanvas>("NeulandCal", R3B::Neuland::CalTrigger::allspill);
online_spectra->AddCanvas<R3B::Neuland::HitCanvas>("NeulandHit", R3B::Neuland::CalTrigger::onspill);
online_spectra->AddCanvas<R3B::Neuland::HitXYCanvas>("NeulandPlaneXY", R3B::Neuland::CalTrigger::onspill);
online_spectra->AddCanvas<R3B::Neuland::HitCosmicCanvas>("NeulandHitCosmics", R3B::Neuland::CalTrigger::offspill);
online_spectra->AddCanvas<R3B::Neuland::TimingCanvas>("NeulandTiming", R3B::Neuland::CalTrigger::onspill);

Here canvases are added one by one with the corresponding names and trigger conditions. If the trigger condition is not specified, the default one, R3B::Neuland::CalTrigger::all, will be chosen. Triggers are defined in the source file R3BNeulandTriggerTypes.h with following available options (all in the namespace R3B::Neuland::CalTrigger):

  • onspill: the 1st bit of TPAT is set
  • offspill: the 14th bit of TPAT is set
  • allspill: onspill or offspill
  • all: accept everything

Canvas class

A canvas holds a set of histograms or graphs which are plotted with some data according to a certain trigger condition. To create a new canvas and add it to the online spectra class, user need to define a class derived from a bass class called R3BNeulandOnlineCanvas. Many examples can be found in the folder canvases. Here is another simple example:

#pragma once
#include <R3BIOConnector.h>
#include <R3BNeulandHit.h>
namespace R3B::Neuland
class ExampleCanvas : public OnlineCanvas
explicit ExampleCanvas(std::string_view name)
: OnlineCanvas(name)
InputVectorConnector<R3BNeulandHit> hit_data_{ "NeulandHits" };
CanvasElement<TH2D> histogram_;
void DataInit() override { hit_data_.init(); }
void CanvasInit(DataMonitor& histograms) override { ... }
void CanvasFill(DataMonitor& histograms) override { ... }
void CanvasFinish() override {}
} // namespace R3B::Neuland
Simulation of NeuLAND Bar/Paddle.

An canvas class contains 4 important virtual methods to be overriden:

  • DataInit(): contains initialization of input data.
  • CanvasInit(): contains definitions of histograms.
  • CanvasFill(): fill the input data to each histograms.
  • CanvasFinish(): contains actions when each event is finished.

The base class R3BNeulandOnlineCanvas also contains a pointer to the online spectra, from which the event header and other parameters can be obtained as well.

CanvasElement class

The CanvasElement class holds any graph-like object, such as histograms (TH1) or graphs (TGraph). To add the elements to the canvas, first a TCanvas class need to be specified in the CanvasInit() method:

void ExampleCanvas::CanvasInit(DataMonitor& histograms)
auto& canvas = CreateNewCanvas(histograms);
canvas.divide(2, 2);

Here the canvas is divided into 2 by 2 pads, each of which holds a canvas element. To specify the element with the corresponding pad, it can be done with:

void ExampleCanvas::CanvasInit(DataMonitor& histograms)
auto& canvas = CreateNewCanvas(histograms);
canvas.divide(2, 2);
hist1 = canvas.add<1, TH1D>("hist1", "hist1", 10, 0, 10.);
hist2 = canvas.add<2, TH1D>("hist2", "hist2", 20, 0, 20.);
hist3 = canvas.add<3, TH3D>("hist3", "hist3", 30, 0, 30.);
hist4 = canvas.add<4, TH4D>("hist4", "hist4", 40, 0, 40.);

The pad corresponding to each element can be obtained with:


, which comes really handy if user want to set logarithm scale on certain axis. All the interfaces to the underlying plot object can be accessed through '->' operator:

hist1->SetLineColor(kRed); // set the line color of the histogram to be red
hist1->Fill(val); // fill a value to the histogram

Screenshot of http output:

screen shot of neuland online spectra