Install from source
C++ compiler (choose either one below)
gcc ≥ 14.3
clang ≥ 18 (without libc++)
ROOT ≥ 6.32 (optional)
CMake ≥ 3.28
Conan ≥ 2.8.0
nodejs ≥ 22.9.0 (optional)
DO NOT USE Conda to install ROOT. Either install ROOT from your system package mamanger or build and install it from the source.
Install prerequisites
Use Homebrew to install the prerequisites:
sudo brew update
sudo brew install llvm cmake conan tbb nodejs root
Fedora 41
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install -y cmake clang tbb-devel root conan nodejs
Debian-based Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.)
Since Debian-based distros only provide outdated software, installing the prerequisites software for Debian based distros is the most complicated. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to use the pre-built package from the Download the project.
Except oneTBB, most programs have to be installed either from source and some can be installed from a third-party package manager like Conda.
To install oneTBB
sudo apt-get update
auso apt-get install libtbb-dev
To install Conda, please check this instruction:
To install CMake, conan and nodejs with conda:
conda install -c conda-forge cmake nodejs conan
The rest of prerequisites, namely gcc and clang compilers, have to be installed from their source. Please check the following links for their installation:
Build the project
Step 1: Clone the latest version
git clone -b [latest version]
cd srs-daq
git submodule update --init
Step 2: Build the source
cmake --workflow --preset default
cmake --preset default -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[/usr/local] [optional settings]
cmake --build ./build --target install -- -j[nproc]
Please check this page about the “optional settings”: