Command line tools



./srs_control [-p DATA_PRINT_OPTION] [-v LOG_LEVEL] [-h]


srs_control is the main program that controls the communications with SRS system, the data analysis and data writing.


-h, --help

Print the help message

-v, --version

Show the current version


Show the ROOT version if used

-l, --log-level

Set the verbose level. Available options: “critical”, “error”, “warn”, “info” (default), “debug”, “trace”, “off”.

-p, --print-mode

Set the data printing mode.

Available options:

  • speed (default): print the reading rate of received data.

  • header: print the header message of received data.

  • raw: print the received raw bytes.

  • all: print all data, including header, hit and marker data, but no raw data.

-o, --output-files

Set the file outputs (more details below).

Data output to multiple files

srs_control can output received data into multiple files with different types at the same time. Currently, following output types are available:

  • binary

    • raw data if .lmd or .bin

    • Protobuf data if .binpb

  • json. File extensions: .json (NOTE: JSON file could be very large)

  • root. File extensions: .root (require ROOT library)

  • UDP socket (Protobuf + gzip). Input format: [ip]:[port]

Users have to use the correct file extensions to enable the corresponding outputs.


To output the same data to multiple different output types at the same time:

./srs_control -o "output1.root" -o "output2.root" \
              -o "output.bin" -o "output.binpb" \
              -o "output.json" -o "localhost:9999"

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