Command line tools
./srs_control [-p DATA_PRINT_OPTION] [-v LOG_LEVEL] [-h]
srs_control is the main program that controls the communications with SRS system, the data analysis and data writing.
- -h, --help
Print the help message
- -v, --version
Show the current version
- --root-version
Show the ROOT version if used
- -l, --log-level
Set the verbose level. Available options: “critical”, “error”, “warn”, “info” (default), “debug”, “trace”, “off”.
- -p, --print-mode
Set the data printing mode.
Available options:
speed (default): print the reading rate of received data.
header: print the header message of received data.
raw: print the received raw bytes.
all: print all data, including header, hit and marker data, but no raw data.
- -o, --output-files
Set the file outputs (more details below).
Data output to multiple files
can output received data into multiple files with different types at the same time. Currently, following output types are available:
raw data if
Protobuf data if
json. File extensions:
(NOTE: JSON file could be very large)root. File extensions:
(require ROOT library)UDP socket (Protobuf + gzip). Input format:
Users have to use the correct file extensions to enable the corresponding outputs.
To output the same data to multiple different output types at the same time:
./srs_control -o "output1.root" -o "output2.root" \
-o "output.bin" -o "output.binpb" \
-o "output.json" -o "localhost:9999"