| R3BStack (Int_t size=100) |
| Default constructor param size Estimated track number.
virtual | ~R3BStack () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | PushTrack (Int_t toBeDone, Int_t parentID, Int_t pdgCode, Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz, Double_t e, Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Double_t time, Double_t polx, Double_t poly, Double_t polz, TMCProcess proc, Int_t &ntr, Double_t weight, Int_t is) |
| Add a TParticle to the stack.
virtual void | PushTrack (Int_t toBeDone, Int_t parentID, Int_t pdgCode, Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz, Double_t e, Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Double_t time, Double_t polx, Double_t poly, Double_t polz, TMCProcess proc, Int_t &ntr, Double_t weight, Int_t is, Int_t secondParentId) |
virtual TParticle * | PopNextTrack (Int_t &iTrack) |
| Get next particle for tracking from the stack.
virtual TParticle * | PopPrimaryForTracking (Int_t iPrim) |
| Get primary particle by index for tracking from stack Declared in TVirtualMCStack.
virtual void | SetCurrentTrack (Int_t iTrack) |
| Set the current track number Declared in TVirtualMCStack.
virtual Int_t | GetNtrack () const |
| Get total number of tracks Declared in TVirtualMCStack.
virtual Int_t | GetNprimary () const |
| Get number of primary tracks Declared in TVirtualMCStack.
virtual TParticle * | GetCurrentTrack () const |
| Get the current track's particle Declared in TVirtualMCStack.
virtual Int_t | GetCurrentTrackNumber () const |
| Get the number of the current track Declared in TVirtualMCStack.
virtual Int_t | GetCurrentParentTrackNumber () const |
| Get the track number of the parent of the current track Declared in TVirtualMCStack.
virtual void | AddParticle (TParticle *part) |
| Add a TParticle to the fParticles array.
virtual void | FillTrackArray () |
| Fill the MCTrack output array, applying filter criteria.
virtual void | UpdateTrackIndex (TRefArray *detArray) |
| Update the track index in the MCTracks and MCPoints.
virtual void | Reset () |
| Resets arrays and stack and deletes particles and tracks.
virtual void | Register () |
| Register the MCTrack array to the Root Manager.
virtual void | PrintStack (Int_t iVerbose) const |
| Output to screen.
void | StoreSecondaries (Bool_t choice=kTRUE) |
| Modifiers.
void | SetMinPoints (Int_t min) |
void | SetEnergyCut (Double_t eMin) |
void | StoreMothers (Bool_t choice=kTRUE) |
void | AddPoint (DetectorId iDet) |
| Increment number of points for the current track in a given detector.
void | AddPoint (DetectorId iDet, Int_t iTrack) |
| Increment number of points for an arbitrary track in a given detector.
TParticle * | GetParticle (Int_t trackId) const |
| Accessors.
TClonesArray * | GetListOfParticles () |
void | SetDebug (Bool_t t) |
- Author
- D.Bertini d.ber.nosp@m.tini.nosp@m.@gsi..nosp@m.de
V.Friese v.fri.nosp@m.ese@.nosp@m.gsi.d.nosp@m.e
Version 14/06/07 by V. Friese
This class handles the particle stack for the transport simulation. For the stack FILO functunality, it uses the STL stack. To store the tracks during transport, a TParticle arry is used. At the end of the event, tracks satisfying the filter criteria are copied to a R3BMCTrack array, which is stored in the output.
The filtering criteria for the output tracks are:
- primary tracks are stored in any case.
- secondary tracks are stored if they have a minimal number of points (sum of all detectors) and a minimal energy, or are the
The storage of secondaries can be switched off. The storage of all mothers can be switched off. By default, the minimal number of points is 1 and the energy cut is 0.
Definition at line 54 of file R3BMCStack.h.