R3B analysis software
No Matches
Class interfaces


The class R3BIOConnector is used to declare the input and output data structure in the tasks based on FairTask. It's highly recommended to use R3BIOConnector instead of TClonesArray.


class MyTask : public FairTask
MyTask() = default;
auto Init() -> InitStatus override
void Exec(Option_t* /*option*/) override {
const auto& points = points_.get();
// do something about points
// ...
// fill the hits
auto& hits = hits_.get();
auto& hit = hits.emplace_oback();
R3B::InputVectorConnector<R3BNeulandPoint> points_{ "NeulandPoints" };
InputConnector< std::vector< ElementType > > InputVectorConnector
OutputConnector< std::vector< ElementType > > OutputVectorConnector

Additionally there are three built-in types to support data IO with STL containers:

  • InputVectorConnector and OutputVectorConnector: data IO with std::vector
  • InputMapConnector and OutputMapConnector: data IO with std::map
  • InputHashConnector and OutputHashConnector: data IO with std::unordered_map

The get() API provides the access to the internal STL data container from R3BIOConnector. For R3BInputConnector, the return value is a const reference const T&. And for R3BOutputConnector, the return value is a simple reference T&.

Additionally, the R3BInputConnector provides iterators to loop through every element in the internal STL container:

// iterate through points using range-based for loop
for(const auto& point : points_)
std::cout << point.energy << std::endl;


To successfully read and write STL container from/to the root file, the corresponding types must be also declared in the LinkDef.h file. For example:

#pragma link C++ class R3BNeulandPoint+;
#pragma link C++ class vector<R3BNeulandPoint>+;


R3BValueError is a data structure which contains a value and an error to represent any measurement value with an uncertainty.


const auto distance = R3B::ValueError{1., 0.2}; // represents 1 +/- 0.2

Some basic arithmetic operations are implemented, such as +, *, /, -, -= and +=. For example:

const auto v1 = R3B::ValueError{1., 0.2};
const auto v2 = R3B::ValueError{3., 0.2};
const auto v3 = v1 * v2;
const auto v4 = v1 / v2;
const auto v5 = v1 + v2;
const auto v6 = v1 - v2;

Error values from the above mentioned operations are calculated using Gaussian error propagation. Therefore, it could be expensive in terms of computations.


R3BFileSource2 is an improved version of R3BFileSource with a much cleaner design using the same interfaces. It also supports reading root files containing just a single root tree.


// To add multiple files
auto file_source = std::make_unique<R3BFileSource2>();
for(auto filename : filenames)
run->SetSource(file_source.release()); // if FairRoot version < 19.0.1
run->SetSource(std::move(file_source)); // if FairRoot version >= 19.0.1

To add the source files which only contain root trees:

auto file_source = std::make_unique<R3BFileSource2>();
file_source->SetInitRunID(999); // set the run iD
file_source->AddFile("filename.root", true);

Please make sure that the run ID set to file_source is consistent with the run ID from the parameter file.

Event processing rate printing

R3BFileSource2 also has a Event processing rate printer, to the set refresh rate of the printer, use

file_source->SetEventPrintRefreshRate(2); // 2 Hz


R3BDataMonitor is a histogram/graph manager for tasks based on FairTask.


class MyTask : public FairTask
MyTask() = default;
auto Init() -> InitStatus override
hist_1d = data_monitor_.add_hist<TH1D>(
"module_num", "Counts with module ids", total_bar_num, -0.5, total_bar_num + 0.5);
hist_2d = data_monitor_.add_hist<TH2D>("TimeLVsBar",
0.5 + total_bar_num,
void Exec(Option_t* /*option*/) override
hist_2d->Fill(val2, val3);
void FinishTask() override
// Save to the sink file in "DataMonitor/foler_name" folder
R3BDataMonitor data_monitor_;
TH1D* hist_1d = nullptr;
TH2D* hist_2d = nullptr;

With R3BDataMonitor, all histograms/graphs will be automatically saved and written to the file in the end of the task.

Output file location

There are two APIs from R3BDataMonitor to save histograms/graphs to a local root file:

  • save_to_sink(foldername) saves all the histograms and graphs to the sink file (obtained from FairRun::Instance()->GetSink()). The folder where histograms are located is "DataMonitor/foldername". If the foldername is empty or not provided, the location would just be "DataMonitor" folder.
  • save_to_file(filename) saves all histograms and graphs to an independent root file with the file name filename. If the filename is empty or not provided, the file would be named with the current data and time.

Canvases for online monitoring

Histograms and graphs can also be grouped into different canvases (ROOT TCavnas). This could happen quite often for the online monitoring using the ROOT THttp server.

To create a new canvas and add histograms to it:

auto Init() -> InitStatus override
auto& canvas = data_monitor_.creat_canvas("canvas name", "canvas title", x, y, a, b);
canva.divide(1, 2);
hHitEvsBarCosmics_ = canvas.add<1, TH2D>("hHitEvsBarCosmics",
"HitLevel: Energy vs Bars cosmics",
bar_numbers + 0.5,
hTdiffvsBarCosmics_ = canvas.add<2, TH2D>("hTdiffvsBarCosmics",
"Tdiff vs Bars cosmics",
bar_numbers + 0.5,

Again, all the histograms and graphs inside each canvas will be automatically saved into the specified folder.

Canvas interaction with Root THttp server class

If the online analysis is based on Root THttp server class, DataMonitor provides an additional API to register all owning canvases:

auto* run = FairRun::Instance();